When Should I See a Doctor for Hemorrhoids?


At Gastroenterology Associates, we are committed to addressing patients' concerns about hemorrhoids, a common but often misunderstood health issue. Hemorrhoids, characterized by swollen veins in the lower rectum or anus, can cause discomfort like pain, itching, and bleeding. Without proper treatment, they may lead to severe health problems. Understanding hemorrhoids and recognizing when to seek medical help is crucial.

Gastroenterology Associates, a leader in gastrointestinal health, is dedicated to educating patients on hemorrhoids and providing expert care. Read on as GI providers from Baton Rouge, LA offer insights into this condition and its treatment.

What are the different types of hemorrhoids?

Knowing the types of hemorrhoids you might face is vital. There are two main types:

  • Internal hemorrhoids are inside the rectum. They're usually painless but prone to bleeding.
  • External hemorrhoids develop under the skin around the anus and are often more painful.

Recognizing these differences can guide you in identifying the issue and seeking the right medical assistance.

Can hemorrhoids resolve without treatment?

Many wonder if hemorrhoids will go away without any medical intervention. While minor cases might heal on their own, most situations require professional advice on treatment. Consulting a GI specialist ensures an accurate diagnosis and the best treatment approach.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor for hemorrhoids?

If you're experiencing symptoms like rectal bleeding or ongoing discomfort, it's time to see a gastroenterology specialist. These symptoms often indicate hemorrhoids and need a proper diagnosis. Treatment varies based on the type and severity of the hemorrhoids.

To alleviate the discomfort of external hemorrhoids, Gastroenterology Associates providers may suggest:

  • A high-fiber diet
  • Warm baths
  • Topical creams and ointments
  • Hemorrhoid banding procedures
  • Surgical procedures (if necessary)

Treatment for internal hemorrhoids usually involves increasing dietary fiber, and in severe cases, surgery may be required.

Our team offers tailored treatment plans to meet your specific needs. Timely action can prevent further complications and reduce discomfort related to hemorrhoids.

Seeking hemorrhoid treatment in Baton Rouge, LA

Hemorrhoids might not always heal independently, and seeking medical help is vital for your health. If you experience hemorrhoid symptoms, contact a Gastroenterology Associates location near you. It's important to get a proper diagnosis from a GI provider to ensure the right treatment. Reach out to our team today to schedule a consultation for hemorrhoid treatment in Baton Rouge, LA.

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